Ulrika Widström

Ulrika Carolina Widström, (24 November 1764, Stockholm – 19 February 1841), was a Swedish poet and translator.

Born to the organist manufacturer Peter Forsberg and Katarina Maria Grip. She was educated in both French and German.

She debuted as a poet in the 1780s, when she aroused attention by some poems, published in the literary papers of the day. Her breakthrough came by the publication of Erotiska sånger (Erotic songs) in 1799. Her poetry was described as very affected by the Gustavian age. Her collected work was published by Carl Julius Lénström in 1840. This was a success, and was reprinted many times. The same year, she was awarded the Grand gold medal of the Royal Swedish Academy. Widstrom was very well known and admired by her contemporaries and artists, such as Carl Gustaf af Leopold, Bengt Lidner, Thomas Thorild and Per Daniel Amadeus Atterbom.

She married Sven Widström (d. 1814), violinist in the royal Capell, in 1790. In 1814, she moved to Mariestad, were she opened a girls' school in 1830.


See also